Month: January 2019

Can You Freeze Lettuce?

So your’e wondering “Can You Freeze Lettuce”.. Your’e in the right place! Storing food can be done a different ways, freezing being one of them. With vegetables however, the case is a little different. Vegetables like lettuce contain a large percentage of water. When they are frozen, the water in them is transformed to ice […]

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10 Edible Weeds with amazing benefits

Most of the times when gardeners wage war against some of the plants ( edible weeds) they generally never think twice to look for the round up! They would never even consider that these plants AKA edible weeds would actually have a nutritional value. Or help fight Cancer? Well, I couldn’t blame them as most […]

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How to get rid of Ant’s Naturally and easily

Ants escaping with a piece of chocolate Looking to learn how to get rid of ant’s naturally? Anyone who has had an experience with an army of ants in their house will agree with me that these little tiny ants can be such a big nuisance. Also, it can be quite frustrating having a colony […]

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Herb Gardening for Beginners

If you’re new to this gardening gig and you’re still trying to get the get the hang of things, then herb gardening for beginners is a really good place to start. Unlike Vegetable gardening and exotic flower gardening, herb gardening requires less time, effort and expertise. And the best part about herb gardening is that […]

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How to Start a Vegetable Garden from Scratch?

Curious as to how to Start a Vegetable Garden from Scratch? Starting your own vegetable garden from scratch can be rewarding and exciting at the same time. Actually, I must admit that nothing tastes better than some nice home-grown vegetables. However, if you are planning on starting a vegetable garden in a neglected and uncultivated […]

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