Day: October 11, 2019

How To Grow

Growing Peppers

From sweet, crisp peppers in rainbow shades to habañeros hot enough to bring tears to your eyes, all peppers share a preference for a long, warm growing season. Set out plants a week or two after your last frost, when the weather is settled and warm. While cool weather reigns, keep seedlings indoors at night, and move […]

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Purple Basil

These purple basil leaves have a beautiful, coppery glow and clove-like, slightly spicy flavour. Use them in salads or preserved in oils and vinegars. A pot of purple basil provides surprisingly, striking colour in the garden. Type warm season annual Planting time after last spring frost Features purple-bronze leaves, slight licorice taste Light Full sun […]

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Curly Kale

This pretty blue-green hybrid kale is easy to grow and will keep you supplied for months. Vigorous producer, with leaves growing lushly on compact plants. Cut outer leaves so that center can continue growing. Light frost makes the leaves taste sweeter. Light Full sun to part shade Leaf size 12 to 24 inches Matures 45+ […]

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