Author: admin

Epsom Salt in Gardening: Benefits,Compatible Plants

Epsom Salt in gardening, also known as Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4), is famous for its plant nourishment and soil enhancement properties. This special type of salt is being used for gardening purposes for hundreds of years – with a majority of the gardeners using it to treat magnesium deficiency in plants. Not an alternative to fertilizer, […]

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Growing Onions Demystified

Types of onions Just like any other vegetable, there are plenty of different types of onions out there. So, before thinking about growing onions, you should get to know about the many variety of onions, and some of the main differences between them. Then, we are going to introduce you to the most popular types […]

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Forget Me Not Plant What Not To Do

Forget-me-not flower care Forget-me-not plants are kind of special plants. Its seeds can stay dormant in the soil for up to 30 years. They are known by most of the world as forget-me-nots. There are some people who call them ‘mouse’s ear’ due to its tiny size and its ear-shaped flowers. Also, if you think […]

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Plumeria Plant Tips And Care Guide

Plumeria is the fast-growing blossoms belonging from the family of Apocynaceae and consists of seven species who lose their leaves in the fall. They grow back in the spring, grows like a small tree in tropical regions with vibrant colors and incredible fragrance. The flower has multiple shades of yellow, white, pink, and red with […]

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Bee Balm Plant- 11 Actionable Tips

Bee balm can be counted as one of nature’s finest gifts to all the garden lovers and florists. Its tangy scent, nutritive profile, and medicinal characters make it grow-worthy and most adored among gardeners. The plant is a classic example of beauty and charm with it’s flamboyant, two-lipped blossoms that bloom in uncountable shades of […]

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Lily Of The Valley Planting Tips And Care

Lily Of The Valley – Planting Basics And Growing Tips: Lily of the valley, botanically Convallaria Majalis, stands out as one of the most heavenly fragrant and elegantly vibrant spring plants. The plant is a perennial, herbaceous and flowering type that is native to Europe but grown all over the northern hemisphere, Asia and America. […]

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Solar Minimum Extreme Gardening

Solar Minimum things that have a direct affect on your garden The world is going through some severe climate changes. These changes have started to affect the entire world, but there are some regions that are being affected the most and quite severely. From blistering fires of the Amazon and Australian forests to the coldest […]

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Spider Mites 11 Actionable Tips

The unwelcomed pests; Spider mites Along with many other threats–that are faced by the indoor and out gardeners–spider mite infestation is also one serious hazard. Planting a garden is a systematic process, requiring precise attention and notoriety. Once you have cultivated the plants, the actual care begins afterward. You have to take good care of […]

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Your All About Roma Tomatoes Guide

All About The Juicy And Saucy Roma Tomatoes: Tomatoes are one of the most prestigious culinary ingredients used around the world. All of your favorite recipes are almost incomplete without a dash of the sweet and sour flavor of the tomato paste. And when it comes to the varieties of tomatoes, the best one can […]

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Gladiolus: Beginner’s Guide

Table of Contents GLADIOLUS PLANT PROFILE: Gladiolus-– in the world of ornamental plants and flowers–is the trademark of elegance and beauty. Its close resemblance to lilies and its floral charm, with a wide range of exotic and vibrant colors, make it a ruling aesthetic among the gardeners as well as home florists. If you need […]

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