Wandering Jew: Propagation, Types, Care And Tips

All you need to know about the spiderwort plant aka “wandering Jew”:

Are you a gardening freak, looking for the perfect collection of plants to grow in your garden or lawn? We have the ultimate option for you with the complete details, tips, and tricks on growing the plant and taking care of it.

You might have heard about the plant called “wandering jew.” Wandering jew is your go-to option for gardening as well as home growing purposes.

Because it is beyond imagination easy to grow and care for, and you won’t be having trouble about the growing environment it is an evergreen plant.

You will find the growing and caring tips of this plant later in this article.

Wandering jew is a single plant one would think, but it is a collection of so many species grouped under one name, i.e., wandering jew.

Tradescantia pallida, T. Fluminensis and T. Zebrina all are closely related species belonging to the family Spiderworts or wandering jews (if you will)!

This Mexican aboriginal plant has the most vibrant and spirited flowers that bloom in many shades of pink to purple. But the extensively found color is purple, and this is why many of the species are commonly called Purple secretia, purple heart, purple queen.

The invasive vining nature of this purple beauty makes it ideal for indoor growing. Place your wandering jew in the lawn and wait for the most exotic and beautiful vines ornamenting your home with its beauty and vibrancy.

Though the spiderworts have many species, but the most abundant types are the ones mentioned earlier in the article. Here are the elaborate specifications of the types of spiderworts plant.

The most prevailing types of wandering jew plants:

All the species have heart-shaped leaves with green, purple, and silvery shades. Some species have elongated, pointed, and unusually colored leaves too. The flowers are in whitish, pinkish, or purplish tones with three small petals. Other specifications, according to the types are:

Tradescantia Fluminensis: T. Fluminensis are the most occurring spiderwort type that belongs to South America. The branches invade the ground as the fleshy stems grow. The leaves are dark green shaded and competitively smaller in size. This plant has the most beautiful blooms that are sleek white with three small petals.

wandering jew Tradescantia Fluminensis:

Tradescantia Zebrina: This species has the most unusual and promising leaves pattern. The leaves have green, purple, and white stripes resembling the stripes of the zebra. Here is how it got the name T. Zebrina. The flowers of this plant are small and pink to violet in color.

Tradescantia Zebrina:

Tradescantia Pallida: T. Pallida is a perennial plant, blooming throughout the year. It’s distinguishing features are the long-winded, pointed, and reddish-purple leaves, which adds a charm to the plant. The flowers are dark purple with three small-sized petals.

wandering jew plant Tradescantia Pallida

No matter what type of spiderwort you opt, all of the species trial beautifully along your garden side or around your windows. You can also tie the vining stems bearing the beautiful flowers and leaves on your balcony/corridor arch or anywhere you want. The best part of growing wandering jew is the minimal amount of care they need to be propagated.

Caring tips you should consider before or after planting your wandering jew plant:

Are you afraid that you can’t pay much attention to your hanging spiderwort? Do you want your spiderwort plant to do okay even with the least amount of care? No need to worry, the wandering jew (spiderwort) will do alright with the least amount of attention. This is the most adaptable and flexible plant to grow indoors. Why? Here is why!

Minimal water needs: Unlike other regular indoor plants, you don’t have to over-water your wandering jew every time. Moistening the soil once in a while will work for the plant to nurture. Don’t flush your plant with excessive water. Just look for the soil drying out. Once the soil is half-inch dry, water your plant and make sure proper drainage.

Indirect sunshine: The plant requires sunlight but not directly. If your plant is indoors, you will have to provide access to the sunlight to make sure that the plant grows adequately. In poor sunlight conditions, the colors of the leaves and flowers tend to fade away. And we obviously don’t want that to happen, so flood your plant with the right amount of sunlight.

Soil and fertilizer requirement: Your wandering jew is such low maintenance, easy going house-plant. You can use the regular potting mixes for the propagation. However, who doesn’t like an enhanced and better yield? So for that, you can always go a little extra with the organic matter in the soil. A mixture of perlite, peat, compost, and garden soil will do that extra magic for your wandering jew. Any water-soluble liquid fertilizer can be added bi-weekly to boost the growth of the plant.

Tradescantia Fluminensis budding

Regular pruning: Pruning helps the plant to stay healthy. If your plant becomes fence and overcrowded, don’t look back to give it a good aggressive trim.

Clipping can facilitate surplus propagation of the plant:

The plant can be successfully propagated through stem cuttings or clippings. You can spread the plant from the existing mother plant. Just collect the stems or beaches that are growing intensively from the plant and put them in a new container to grow a different plant. And if you are planting in a garden or lawn, then take the trimmed stems and plant beside the mother plant.

A quick tip: One thing to make sure while taking the cuttings is to include the nodes in the cuttings. This will promote new root growth.

How the plant is propagated from clipping

The steps involved in the propagation of wandering jews from cuttings are as follows.

Growing the plant in water: Take any container of your choice, having a narrow bottom. Fill it with slightly warm water and submerge the clipped roots in it. Don’t immerse the leave as they will deteriorate the roots. Avoid direct sunlight; just a dash of sunshine will work well. Now, wait for several weeks to allow the roots to grow. Once the roots are grown, you can take the roots out and place them at any of your desired locations.

Growing the plant in soil: The plant can be rooted in soil, too; this method is a little complicated, though. Take your pot or container and fill it with potting mixture. Add a little bit of water to get the soil damped. Take a cutting And remove the leaves at the bottom. Now put this Cutting in the soil, you can add liquid fertilizer to enhance the rooting. After setting the Cutting in soil, cover it with plastic. The plastic will retain the moisture. After a month, you will see new roots arising from the Cutting. It’s time to remove the plastic, and your plant is good to grow.

Some problems you can encounter regarding the wandering jew plant:

Though the plant is easy to grow and makes the house or lawn/garden a sight. Still the plant can pose some serious problems, and they should be overcome. To avoid any mishap that can happen to the plant or the plant owner. Some of the issues associated with the plant are:

Cause skin allergies: Not necessarily, but the plant in some cases can induce hypersensitivity reactions and can cause skin allergies and irritation when it comes in contact with. Hanging the plant high enough from the reach of pets or children can be taken as a precautionary measure.

Pest infestation: Spiderworts are prone to catch aphids and spider mites as pests. The pests grow well in a humid environment, and hence keeping the humidity high will help in getting rid of the pests. You can also wash the plant to knock off the pests from the plant.

Diseases Outbreak: Improper water, lights, or humidity conditions can lead to various diseases that can cause the death of the plant. The most commonly observed problem is root rot. Excessive watering leads to this problem, so the solution would be either limiting the water provision or changing the soil that is more retaining.

The expected nativeness of the wandering jew plants:

The wandering jew or spiderwort plant is native to South America, especially the Mexican gulf coats. Though the different species have known to be grown in different parts of the world, the plant has its origin in the American States. The T. Fluminensis has its roots originally belonging to South America. The T. Zebrina species is native to Central America but is also formerly grown in Carribean island, Australia and South America.

Though the plant is native to the American regions, but with the advancement is gardening culture, you can grow your favorite spiderwort species in any of your regions in any environment conditions. Just provide your plant with the care, as mentioned earlier, and your wandering jew is ready to compliment your home garden increasing the vibrancy and beauty of your home.

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